Sunday, 23 December 2012

WUDC Berlin 2013 Equity Team

Our Equity Team is now complete, up and running. It consists of Equity Officer Sarah Jaglitz (Germany) and Deputy Equity Officers Ahmed Al Suwaidi (UAE/UK) and Beth Sheil (USA).

Here is their message:

The WUDC Berlin 2013 will see 1,400 participants from 82 countries, which is just awesome! It is very important to us that everyone, regardless of background and experience, feels respected and is able to participate in and enjoy the championship without fear of discrimination. Please keep that in mind when interacting with others; what might seem like harmless fun to you might hurt someone else deeply.

We will not tolerate any behaviour that discriminates or demeans a person and will take every Equity complaint very serious. Our Equity Policy is stated in the Code of Conduct and applies to everyone participating in the tournament regardless of status.

The Code of Conduct can be found here and in the Tournament Guide you will receive at check-in. We expect all participants to read it.

Please feel free to approach any of us at any time; members of the Equity Team will be present throughout the the tournament and you can also contact us via the Help Desks or by email

Sarah is a Berlin native and member of the Berlin Debating Union. She is a third year student in Jewish Studies and History at the University of Potsdam.
Ahmed hails from the United Arab Emirates, he is in his third year of university debating and is in his final year of Neuroscience BSc at King's College London.
Beth is from New Jersey, USA and is a second year student in Chemical Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park.

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