Thursday, 20 December 2012

Language - check your status and debate the criteria

The WUDC Berlin 2013 Language Review Committee has looked at the data provided by each participant requesting ESL or EFL status. Please find the preliminary status decisions for all speakers here.

The status granted is either EFL or ESL or EPL or Interview. In case of the latter, we have some questions for you regarding the answers you have given (or have not given yet). The colour coding indicates whether you got the status you requested (green), are asked for an interview (orange) or we gave you a different status from what you requested (red).

Anyone who disagrees with their current status designation can appeal against the decision in Berlin. This can be done by handing in a note in writing indicating your name, institution and the ground on which you wish to appeal (and for which status). The precise procedure for handing in these notes will be made clear in Berlin. 

If your name does not appear on the list (although you have requested ESL or EFL status) or if you have any questions about your status, please email the Committee.

Five years after the institution of new language criteria in Thailand, it is time to have a look at the rules and see what we think of them. Please feel free to leave your thoughts on the current criteria on the Council forum.

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